12 October 2011

A Tad more on everything!

We went up to our house in Clyde for a few days, so to say the least, it was a new/old experience because that is where our dishwasher lives –the automatic version, not the manual version.  When the time came to do the dishes, our whole routine was put out.  Our individual jobs that had been tried and true were in jeopardy just because of this piece of equipment.  What has happened to me? In my previous blogs I bemoaned the whole washing up thing, now I’m faced with an appliance that will not only wash properly (with no derogatory comments on the quality of the usual dishwasher) but dry properly too.  This made me think how quickly everything I’ve written about can change.  My need to communicate with my husband has changed.  There is no longer a need for both of us to do the dishes while at this house; to load the dishwasher only takes one person – what was I going to do?  Does this piece of equipment completely change the whole affordance thing?  Has this piece of equipment made us redundant?  Will we be forever consigned to never communicating over this most basic of tasks?  Well to answer that I would have to say yes – but only for the 4 days we were at the house.  We are back now in our little house in Dunedin, with no automatic dishwasher, just my trusty manual version and I have to say I am pleased to be back, and look forward to many conversations with my husband about how each of our days went.

Reference List:

Creek, J & Lawson-Porter. (Eds). (2007) Contempory issues in occupational therapy. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Crepeau, E.B. (1991). Achieving intersubjective understanding: Examples from an occuaptional therapy treatment session. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 44, 311-317.
Green, T. F. (1968) Work, leisure and The American schools. New York: Random House.
Klein, N. (2000).No logo: Taking aim at brand bullies. Canada: Knopf.
Meredith, G.L. (1935).Adventuring in Maoriland in the Seventies. Sydney: Angus & Robertson.

Comments on other blogs
Judith Evans
Dave Armstrong
Matt Janssen
Hannah Sinclair

1 October 2011

Needs and Labour

I think we need to change our views on washing-up as I feel it has received a bad reputation.
We seem to run a mile when there is a need to wash the dishes. Our faces take on expressions of abject pain, disgust as if to say, “Why the hell do we have to do them now”, why is this?  Has something been instilled in us from a young age? Do we have bad memories of washing up as children?  Was it one of those tasks given to you as a punishment?  I guess some of had to do the washing up as a punishment so it did leave a sour note. Isn’t  it funny how we consider washing up and many other tasks as ‘drudgery’ with little expectation of job satisfaction?  Maybe we need to think about it all differently. Honestly, if I think about the task too much before I do it, then it just makes things worse.  I have freely admitted in my previous blogs how I do not really enjoy the task but do it out of necessity and my need to catch up with my husband after a day at tech for me and a day grafting over at our other property for him.  This is where we chat about our day.  We have a need to communicate over this basic of tasks. 
I have to admit I would like to wash sometimes instead of dry, and the opportunity arose this morning.  Peter was in the shower and of course, as I have mentioned in previous blogs, the dishes were left over from the night before because of rugby.  Therefore, I set about doing the washing up my way.  I washed orderly, I set my dishes out in little groups, glasses, cups and plates, and the cutlery, ‘a bit of OCD never hurt anybody,’ I said to myself.  I had a need to clean up and create order in my house. I had a need to do the things that I do not generally get to do these days (as I am very well looked after) while I am studying.  Anyway, I was busted while at the sink.  Peter arrived in the kitchen and proceeded to hang over my shoulder as if to say, ’get away from my sink that is my job’.  I really mucked up his routine!
We have come a long way from when washing up and other household chores were considered ‘women’s work’, where gardening etc were considered to be a strictly male domain.  Now males and females work at all manner of tasks.
Meredith (1935, as cited in Leach, 1997) illustrates this when he wrote to his mother about his household experiences as a bachelor in New Zealand in the 1870’s, he said,
               " I have come to the conclusion that there are serious defects in the present system of education; all boys should have to go through a ‘practical course’ instead of being stuffed with a lot of Latin and French" (n.p).
Meredith, G.L. (1935).Adventuring in Maoriland in the Seventies. Sydney: Angus & Robertson.

28 September 2011

Aethetics, Labour, Spirituality, Health and History

Today we discussed aesthetics, spirituality, and health in relation to our chosen activity. Ok let us see what I can talk about concerning washing-up!


I guess while doing the dishes there is a certain beauty to the colours the bubbles from the dish liquid can make.  All of us at sometime have enjoyed blowing bubbles to see how big we could get them or how long they would last.  Other things that please the senses are the togetherness of the task, particularly if you are doing the task with your nearest and dearest.

If you work backwards from washing-up you are connected to food, for example the production of it and the labour involved in harvesting and cooking.  Once consumed, the next step is of clearing the scraps from the meal.  Some people may put them in the rubbish; others may put it back into the garden for compost to start the whole process over again. “Labor can be an activity that is done in order to be undone” (Green, 1968 ,np).  Whatever the process, we inevitably end up washing-up.
When there are large gatherings at our house, for example Christmas day, everyone is happy to help wash up.  Generally, there are far too many people in the kitchen standing around the sink, but it does not matter, as it is a wonderful time to share.  Going beyond the mundane task of washing-up can be a part of celebration, community, friends together on an occasion enjoying each other’s company.
The consideration of health is very important in this activity.  Washing up is one of those jobs that have to be done.  If you do not get around to doing, it straight away can lead to an attack of the guilty conscience; it may play on your mind if you happen to be a person who likes life to be orderly. Anything related to the handling of food is important. The alternatives of ill health from unsanitary practices around food handling and washing up should be taken seriously.
My History with Washing up
I can remember getting a tea set when I was little so of course I would mimic my mother and have a tea party with her or my dolls.  I would then insist on doing the washing up.  Mum would set me up with a bowl of soapy water and a dishtowel and I would set about my task.  I enjoyed swishing my hands in the soapy water, looking at the colours and trying to blow bubbles through my fingers.  I doubt whether the tea set was washed but I was having fun.  Then while still living at home with my parents we invariably had to do the washing up after a meal.  I even had a job as a dishwasher when I lived Wanaka.  I can hear you asking why! Back in the late 70’s there was not many jobs in Wanaka so I took a job at the hotel as a matter of survival. I vowed that when I owned my own home I would buy a dishwasher – and I did.  So now, we have done the full circle because while we are living here in our holiday home we will be washing the dishes by hand.

Green, T. F. (1968) Work, leisure and The American school s. New York: Random House.

20 September 2011


Affordances  ask s the question ‘What is the likely outcome of this activity’?

Today the dishes were awaiting us from the night before. Of course, we were watching world cup rugby so our usual routine “went out the window” so to speak, when I went to get breakfast for us I decided to ignore them..  After breakfast we went off for a walk and when we got back to the house those dishes were still there!  The dish fairy still had not done them so alas it was up to us to tackle them ourselves.  We both know our positions at the sink.  Him in the sink and me on the “end of a dish towel”.  That used to be a well-used phrase by my mother during my formative years, “Hey while you are standing there, get on the end of a dish towel”, funny what you remember while standing at the sink. 
I think people generally complain when doing the dishes, but it can be a great communicative time.  This very ordinary activity can be very holistic and therapeutic.  A time to share secrets, talk about problems, have arguements, go through the emotions of laughter, crying, anger, and joy.  Everybody has their own way of doing this activity, love it or hate it we put our individual stamp on it.  This could be the way we go about starting the activity.  Some choose to have really hot water, others like lots of detergent.  Some like using dishcloths; others may prefer a dish brush.  Some may wash the cutlery first, others the glassware.  We are individual in our work.  I like this quote “Labour can grind you down with the never-ending cycle of tasks which have to be done over and over, there can be tremendous injustice to it” (Klein, 2000, n.p).
Communication – a time to talk, counsel, argue, make plans, sing, cry or laugh
 I remember a time at our other house, before we had a dishwasher when washing up was the children’s’ jobs.  The conversations we used to have been wonderful.  There were no arguments; they both knew who turn it was to wash or dry is.  We would hear about their day, they would ask advice; it was a true family bonding time.  The youngest child used to stand on a low stool to reach the bench.  He was very serious about his job. 
Moral Properties – good and bad aspects
I guess when taking into account the good and bad aspects of washing up; a chore that has to be done.  Once done you can then get on with the business of living, getting on with other duties necessary around the house or in my case study.  We teach our children how to wash dishes and they will teach theirs.  It is something that is necessary in the day-to-day running of a household.  If you do not wash the dishes there are consequences, you will eventually run out of plates and cutlery.
Action Properties – what’s the story?
Looking back I realise those early days of washing up with the kids was a time to bond, be a role model, teach and learn, pass on stories from our family and lay foundations for new memories for them to think about just as I have now.

image retrieved from http://www.google.co.nz
References: Klein, N. (2000). No logo: Taking aim at brand bullies. Canada: Knopf.


17 September 2011

A beginners guide to washing- up

Ways of washing-up
If you are lucky you will have a dishwasher – that is the easiest of ways, in my view, or you may have to put a bit of hard work in and wash them by hand, if you do not possess a dishwasher.
Washing up is a necessary job – it has to be done!  You may need the bench space to do something else, so there is no escaping it.  We all have our ways of going about it.  Some of us like to wash and dry others like to wash and leave to air dry on a rack.  This still does not get rid of the problem of space.
What does it mean to me?
Well I cannot say I really enjoy washing up but since Peter does all the cooking, I feel that I should help do the dishes.  I feel guilty sometimes when I really do not feel like doing them, but that is my problem, as he is quite happy to wash and dry them by himself.  When I get over myself, I realise that it is a nice time to talk to him about how our day went because we do not seem to converse much while we are watching television.
How an Occupational Therapist could use this task?
Washing up can give a person as sense of achievement , as it is part of activities of daily living.  Being able to get back to managing a household task like this can have huge therapeutic benefits for a client.  Crepeau (1991)  relates that  "occupations provide meaning and purpose to a persons life".
Practical Considerations
I can easily sustain this activity for at least two hours a week.  I am only around to wash up in the evenings generally but over a week this will be not be a problem.  The only thing stopping me doing this activity is laziness.  It is a good thing that I have a catalyst to get things going – Peter.
Crepeau, E.B. (1991). Achieving intersubjective understanding: Examples from an occuaptional therapy treatment session. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 44, 311-317.

16 September 2011

Welcome to the Ergonomics of Washing-up!

When we are considering ergonomics, we must take into account the environment, activity, and how it fits the person.  Our function as Occupational Therapist is to “constantly make slight invisible adjustments to an activity to adapt to the needs of those taking part and ensure that it continues to work for its intended purpose” (Caulton & Dickson, 2007).
Some of the factors we discussed in class were the relationships between person, activity and environment.  These are some of the factors that I took into consideration for washing-up.
I am competent enough to do this task, but tend to do the drying-up unless I get to the sink first.  As this is our second home, in other words, our bach, we do not have an automatic dishwasher, just a manual one called Peter.  I am very efficient in the task and can generally get through the drying  reasonably fast while multi tasking other jobs in between, for example putting the washing on, clearing the table, watching television from the kitchen
Washing up has a flow to it, almost a rhythm, assuming that everything goes according to plan that is, and there are no broken dishes.  Time wise washing up doesn’t take long as there is just the two of us therefore not many dishes, also the speed of the task is usually influenced by what’s on television and what work I have to complete for study.  There are no restrictions to doing this task just inclination.  If the inclination is lacking then the dishes lay over until the next day.
This is a joint task.  The kitchen is nicely appointed with a view to our garden, which is always nice to look at particularly when the flowers are blooming.  There are some distractions particularly when the television or radio is on.  This activity can be done in noise or peace and quiet.  We can choose to talk or not.  Quite nice really.
Creek, J & Lawson-Porter. (Eds). (2007) Contempory issues in occupational therapy. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Participation in Occupation 2

Just when we thought it was over.......here we are again!
As part of Participation in Occupation 2 we are reflecting on our experience of engaging in an activity for at least 2 hours a week. To do this we are to write a blog.  I am writing about washing-up and will relate my chosen activity to ergonomics, ambience, affordance, and  practical considerations.   Washing-up comes under the classification of labour.

8 April 2011

Tutorial Seven: Linking to blogs of interest and exchanging comments

Today we are linking to other peoples blogs and posting comments on those blogs.  Its a bit of a buzz to find that someone has left a comment about your blog, so I thought I would post some comments on a few blogs that I found interesting.

Charlotte Cowley
Rebecca Jakubcik
Dave Armstrong
Gracie Prisk

Babies and Rock Music - Memorable hits for me in 1985 & 1988

It was some ungodly hour in the early morning sometime in July, 1985. Yet again I was up consoling my brand new daughter.  Live Aid was being  telecast around the world and the only time she would stop crying was when Freddy sang his hit song "Bohemian Rhapsody" live on stage at Wembley Stadium.  My daughter's birth was a hit for me that year and coincidentally that was the first song she had played at her wedding reception.
Bohemian Rhapsody by Freddy

"Sweet child of mine" is a song I love and it was a hit for Guns n' Roses  in September 1988, and the birth of my son that same month and year was another hit for me.

A classic song for a kid of the 70's!

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XzbdY_rPtjw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

A Travel Site


Assistive Technology links of interest

ipads for autism

ipad for schools

Chronic Pain

Stroke Survivor

OT Blog

50 Top OT Blogs

7 April 2011

Tutorial Eight: Assistive Technology

According to Cook and Hussey (2000), assistive technology refers to a broad range of devices, services, strategies and practices that are formed and applied to improve the problems faced by individuals who have a disability.

One piece of assistive technology that was introduced in the assistive technology tutorial by Dave the (former model-turned OT) was a switch. Switches range in a variety of sizes, shapes, colours and cost. The function of a switch is to enable somebody who lacks fine motor skills to make choices and operate something.

A switch increases functional capacity for the user as it allows them to participate. For example, a child in a classroom who is unable to use a computer mouse to do a lack of fine motor skills, may use a large switch in order to operate the programme they are trying to use.

This is a You tube site for using an Ipad as assisitive technology in the classroom.  Dave (the model) showed us how he used an Ipad as a tool in the classroom at Kimiora School in Wellington.

Tutorial Six: The internet and online communities

Facebook is a social networking site that people use to keep in touch with each other.  You can add people as friends, send them messages, update their personal profiles and just generally keep in touch.
Facebook is a free service of which you can share your photos, personal interests and contact information and other personal information. Communicating with other users can be done through public or private messages or through the chat feature which works like msn messenger. It also enables the user to choose their own privacy settings and choose who can see parts of their profile. The website also includes advertising from businesses.
Facebook can be a way of finding friends from school or family members.

People may use facebook to invite people to parties or for peer group work in a study situation.  I cancelled my facebook page as I found it was a bit of a time waster.

On myspace you can listen to streaming songs from all genres of music and artists.

Trade Me a website designed for people to buy and sell online.  It is smilar to eBay which is a worldwide site.  Traders use New Zealand's banking system to settle payments, although the site also offer the ability to accept credit cards as a form of payment. Trade Me operates several sister websites including Find Someone, Old Friends, Travelbug, Safe Trader and Holiday Houses.  I personally use Trade Me to buy and sell and I have also used this site for finding holiday houses around the country.

Ethical considerations that may arise when visiting an online community is that you really don't know who you are talking to.  You may have friends who have taken photos that you are in and they have uploaded them on the web.   This can be a breach of privacy for the people concerned.
While you are talking to someone online their is a lack of face to face socialising.  It could become a bit isolating for a person if this is the only social interaction they have.   I think in time we may loose the art of conversation face to face.
A positive of online communities is that there is so much information that can be obtained without going anywhere.  We can communicate instantly with people anywhere in the world and at any time. is one of the largest social networks with about 125 million users.  MySpace provides users with a way to connect around content and culture.

4 April 2011

Camel Smile

I love this photo taken in Egypt.  Everytime I look at it it makes me smile. It took ages to get because the camel kept giving toothy grins!

Tutorial Three: Blog Creation Tasks

Yippy do da...I made it this far without any tears!

Well here we are again! amazing really as I really stressed and swore at the computer ( not its fault of course, as a bad workman always blames his tools!) trying to get this far and was apprehensive about trying something or anything new.  However time has moved along and as James so aptly quoted "there is light at the end of the tunnel and its not a train"!.  Anyway you will probably be wanting a quick description of what a blog is wont' you?

A blog is a website where one can share thoughts, ideas, websites, photos and many other things.  It is a very versatile website that you can keep up to date daily, weekly or longer.  People can comment on your blog and you can comment on theirs if you or they have access abilities.  A blog can be described as a personal or public soapbox. There are millions of them and they come in all shapes and sizes.  .

24 March 2011

Tutorial Two: Digital Imaging

They say that the "lastest technology is always the greatest technology" or was it just in my head.  I always used a film loaded Olympus SLR camera which I felt took the best shots.  Yes you had to fiddle around with the depth of field and the film speed but that was part of the appeal.  Today although I must admit that the most important piece of equipment I take on my holiday is my digital camera, along with spare batteries, SD card, and of course the most important thing...the battery charger; can't do much without it!.
Examples of digital imaging are video cameras, laptops, camera phones, and hand held devices.
"A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature".   Some of the pluses of digital camera technology is that the cameras are portable and small and still maintain most of the precision of the old SLR's.  You can take as many shots as you like and delete the ones you don't.  When we go on holiday we download all our photos to a notebook and a USB so we don't lose any shots.  Digital cameras these days are pretty affordable so you can  have a couple of cameras with you to take your own shots as they arise.  The down side is that if you are a camera buff, the pleasure of setting up a shot is taken away because it takes time.

Ethical issues that may arise in Occupational Therapy from digital  use are confidentiality.  You must have consent from the client before using any digital imaging.  The images must also be appropriate.

Some of the ways that digital images are being used is:
Keeping in touch with other Occcupational Therapists in this country and around the worlds.
Looking at OT websites for the lastest in equipment.
Blogging to other OT's.

18 March 2011

Tutorial Four/Five: Video Production Sessions

Our task for this tutorial was to create a video.  The topic was "overcoming adversity".  We decided that our video was going to be called "Displaced People",  because of all the room changes that we have had this semester and we felt like sharing our feelings in a humorous way we hope!
OK, to be honest we didn't have a storyboard concept or any scripting.  We were "flying by the seat of our pants"....yes I know!....shock, horror!..but we had a general idea of how we wanted to go about it and the ideas just grew as we went along - call it spontaneity if you want!  We worked really well together on this project and managed to get all the shots on a little Sony camera.  We had a lot of laughs doing all the scenes and our camera person Rebecca did an outstanding job filming - that is when she wasn't falling about laughing!
The music was a piece called the entertainer from the movie "The Sting".  We thought that it was a good piece to use especially as there was no other choice.  Just kidding.  It matched with our sped up scenes,  so overall we were really happy with the finished product.  Thanks to our guest stars, James and Penelope.

11 March 2011

Tutorial One: Information Technology and Ethical Issues

IT stands for "Information Technology," and is pronounced "I.T." It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web development, technical support, and many other related occupations. Since we live in the "information age," information technology has become a part of our everyday lives. That means the term "IT," already highly overused, is here to stay. Retrieved March 10, 2011 from

Information technology is the use of computers and software that manage information.
Information Technoglogy is very today in our society. There are constant upgrades to systems and applications or "apps" as they seem to be termed these days.  This technology allows us to access a raft of information thats is floating around in cyberspace.  We can talk to friends, family and business aquaintances instantly.  This seems to be a necessity today in the world of communication.  Business is done this way now.  We have become so used to having access to the net or our cell phones or facebook that we have little patience when these applications don't work or are offline.  We rely heavily on our technology as we are using it everyday in the form of computers, cell phones, cameras, videos, ipods and mp3's.and many more that I don't even know about!  It seems to have become very common place to own one or all of these gadgets.

Over the last 2 years at polytech I have become comfortable using my computer to produce my assignments, access moodle for online tutorials and information, and also accessing relevant websites for information.  I am constantly on my laptop and have a setup where my laptop has become my hard drive and I have large flat screen and a wireless keyboard and mouse.  This makes life much easier particularly on my eyes.  I have become much more accomplished at surfing the net but have a long way to go before I am really good at it.  I use my digital camera, and mp3 without too much difficulty and the cell phone has become attached to my body so to speak.  I can use facebook but recently cancelled my account as I found it to be a bit of a time waster.  I love the trade me site and have used it to buy and sell extensively.   I'm not particularly experienced at tuning in the television or sorting out the sky box as I dont really enjoy reading the instructions and have someone who is much better at it than me!

During fieldwork placement one, the health professional used the computer to communicate with each other and receive information, for example, newsletters, meeting dates and general communications. The case notes were still written by hand where I was on placement.  In other areas of OT computers would be used to update case notes and client history also strengths, goals and plans for discharge.   Using the computer to communicate or keep files updated is a more efficient and time saving way to work.

Ethical implications arising from capturing, sharing and transferring of information via IT devices  are privacy and security of information.  Considerations of the legality of posting on the internet or using other IT devices and whether that information is accurate could create a minefield for the legal profession.
Informed consent is a person or clients right to be fully aware of anything that pertains to the wellbeing of that person before any procedure can take place.  It is Right 7 of the Code of Health and Disability Consumers' Rights.  Retrieved on 11 March, 2011, from http://www.healthpoint.co.nz/default,6321.sm

Intellectual property is all knowledge, creative ideas or personal expressions that have a financial value.  This includes copyright, patent issues, trademarks and trade laws, property, brand names, formulas, designs, sorftware and works of an artistic value.  Retrieved 11 March, 2011, from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/intellectual-property.html

Social justice means that the law is fair and proper to all people regardless of the ethnical origin, gender, race and religion etc to be treated equally without predjudice.  Retrieved 11 March, 2011, from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/social-justice.html.

Informed consent is a persons right to be told everything that pertains to oneself before a procedure takes place.  It is Right 7 of the Code of Health and Disability Consumers Rights.

10 March 2011

Over the last 2 years at polytech I have become comfortable using my computer to produce my assignments, access moodle for online tutorials and information, and also accessing relevant websites for information.  I am constantly on my laptop and have a setup where my laptop has become my hard drive and I have large flat screen and a wireless keyboard and mouse.  This makes life much easier particularly on my eyes.  I have become much more accomplished at surfing the net but have a long way to go before I am really good at it.  I use my digital camera, and mp3 without too much difficulty and the cell phone has become attached to my body so to speak.  I can use facebook but recently cancelled my account as I found it to be a bit of a time waster.  I love the trade me site and have used it to buy and sell extensively.   I'm not particularly experienced at tuning in the television or sorting out the sky box as I dont really enjoy reading the instructions and have someone who is much better at it than me!

4 March 2011

Hey there, this is my first posting so its going to be an interesting few weeks seeing how I go.