24 March 2011

Tutorial Two: Digital Imaging

They say that the "lastest technology is always the greatest technology" or was it just in my head.  I always used a film loaded Olympus SLR camera which I felt took the best shots.  Yes you had to fiddle around with the depth of field and the film speed but that was part of the appeal.  Today although I must admit that the most important piece of equipment I take on my holiday is my digital camera, along with spare batteries, SD card, and of course the most important thing...the battery charger; can't do much without it!.
Examples of digital imaging are video cameras, laptops, camera phones, and hand held devices.
"A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature".   Some of the pluses of digital camera technology is that the cameras are portable and small and still maintain most of the precision of the old SLR's.  You can take as many shots as you like and delete the ones you don't.  When we go on holiday we download all our photos to a notebook and a USB so we don't lose any shots.  Digital cameras these days are pretty affordable so you can  have a couple of cameras with you to take your own shots as they arise.  The down side is that if you are a camera buff, the pleasure of setting up a shot is taken away because it takes time.

Ethical issues that may arise in Occupational Therapy from digital  use are confidentiality.  You must have consent from the client before using any digital imaging.  The images must also be appropriate.

Some of the ways that digital images are being used is:
Keeping in touch with other Occcupational Therapists in this country and around the worlds.
Looking at OT websites for the lastest in equipment.
Blogging to other OT's.

18 March 2011

Tutorial Four/Five: Video Production Sessions

Our task for this tutorial was to create a video.  The topic was "overcoming adversity".  We decided that our video was going to be called "Displaced People",  because of all the room changes that we have had this semester and we felt like sharing our feelings in a humorous way we hope!
OK, to be honest we didn't have a storyboard concept or any scripting.  We were "flying by the seat of our pants"....yes I know!....shock, horror!..but we had a general idea of how we wanted to go about it and the ideas just grew as we went along - call it spontaneity if you want!  We worked really well together on this project and managed to get all the shots on a little Sony camera.  We had a lot of laughs doing all the scenes and our camera person Rebecca did an outstanding job filming - that is when she wasn't falling about laughing!
The music was a piece called the entertainer from the movie "The Sting".  We thought that it was a good piece to use especially as there was no other choice.  Just kidding.  It matched with our sped up scenes,  so overall we were really happy with the finished product.  Thanks to our guest stars, James and Penelope.

11 March 2011

Tutorial One: Information Technology and Ethical Issues

IT stands for "Information Technology," and is pronounced "I.T." It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web development, technical support, and many other related occupations. Since we live in the "information age," information technology has become a part of our everyday lives. That means the term "IT," already highly overused, is here to stay. Retrieved March 10, 2011 from

Information technology is the use of computers and software that manage information.
Information Technoglogy is very today in our society. There are constant upgrades to systems and applications or "apps" as they seem to be termed these days.  This technology allows us to access a raft of information thats is floating around in cyberspace.  We can talk to friends, family and business aquaintances instantly.  This seems to be a necessity today in the world of communication.  Business is done this way now.  We have become so used to having access to the net or our cell phones or facebook that we have little patience when these applications don't work or are offline.  We rely heavily on our technology as we are using it everyday in the form of computers, cell phones, cameras, videos, ipods and mp3's.and many more that I don't even know about!  It seems to have become very common place to own one or all of these gadgets.

Over the last 2 years at polytech I have become comfortable using my computer to produce my assignments, access moodle for online tutorials and information, and also accessing relevant websites for information.  I am constantly on my laptop and have a setup where my laptop has become my hard drive and I have large flat screen and a wireless keyboard and mouse.  This makes life much easier particularly on my eyes.  I have become much more accomplished at surfing the net but have a long way to go before I am really good at it.  I use my digital camera, and mp3 without too much difficulty and the cell phone has become attached to my body so to speak.  I can use facebook but recently cancelled my account as I found it to be a bit of a time waster.  I love the trade me site and have used it to buy and sell extensively.   I'm not particularly experienced at tuning in the television or sorting out the sky box as I dont really enjoy reading the instructions and have someone who is much better at it than me!

During fieldwork placement one, the health professional used the computer to communicate with each other and receive information, for example, newsletters, meeting dates and general communications. The case notes were still written by hand where I was on placement.  In other areas of OT computers would be used to update case notes and client history also strengths, goals and plans for discharge.   Using the computer to communicate or keep files updated is a more efficient and time saving way to work.

Ethical implications arising from capturing, sharing and transferring of information via IT devices  are privacy and security of information.  Considerations of the legality of posting on the internet or using other IT devices and whether that information is accurate could create a minefield for the legal profession.
Informed consent is a person or clients right to be fully aware of anything that pertains to the wellbeing of that person before any procedure can take place.  It is Right 7 of the Code of Health and Disability Consumers' Rights.  Retrieved on 11 March, 2011, from http://www.healthpoint.co.nz/default,6321.sm

Intellectual property is all knowledge, creative ideas or personal expressions that have a financial value.  This includes copyright, patent issues, trademarks and trade laws, property, brand names, formulas, designs, sorftware and works of an artistic value.  Retrieved 11 March, 2011, from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/intellectual-property.html

Social justice means that the law is fair and proper to all people regardless of the ethnical origin, gender, race and religion etc to be treated equally without predjudice.  Retrieved 11 March, 2011, from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/social-justice.html.

Informed consent is a persons right to be told everything that pertains to oneself before a procedure takes place.  It is Right 7 of the Code of Health and Disability Consumers Rights.

10 March 2011

Over the last 2 years at polytech I have become comfortable using my computer to produce my assignments, access moodle for online tutorials and information, and also accessing relevant websites for information.  I am constantly on my laptop and have a setup where my laptop has become my hard drive and I have large flat screen and a wireless keyboard and mouse.  This makes life much easier particularly on my eyes.  I have become much more accomplished at surfing the net but have a long way to go before I am really good at it.  I use my digital camera, and mp3 without too much difficulty and the cell phone has become attached to my body so to speak.  I can use facebook but recently cancelled my account as I found it to be a bit of a time waster.  I love the trade me site and have used it to buy and sell extensively.   I'm not particularly experienced at tuning in the television or sorting out the sky box as I dont really enjoy reading the instructions and have someone who is much better at it than me!

4 March 2011

Hey there, this is my first posting so its going to be an interesting few weeks seeing how I go.